


What Is Family Stress Theory?

Family stress theory dives into how families change and adapt when faced with stressful events. It all started back in 1949 with sociologist Reuben Hill, who was curious about the […]

Overwhelmed? Do These 5 Things Today

Therapy is an incredible tool for managing mental health, offering a safe space to talk through issues and learn coping mechanisms. However, it’s important to remember that therapy alone can’t […]

Top 10 Stress-Relieving Hobbies

In our fast-paced world, it is crucial to carve out time for activities that are purely enjoyable as a form of self-care. Engaging in hobbies can significantly improve mental health […]

Is Anxiety Genetic?

Anxiety disorders often run in families, leading many to question whether anxiety is inherited. Although the precise causes of anxiety are not fully known, studies indicate a genetic link. If […]

Causes and Risk Factors of Depression

Depression is a prevalent mental disorder in the United States, affecting individuals across various age groups. Its exact causes are often unclear, but they can include genetics, brain chemistry, life […]

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to highlight the significance of mental health and wellness in the lives of Americans and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. For […]

20 Defense Mechanisms We Use to Protect Ourselves

Defense mechanisms, which are unconscious psychological strategies that protect individuals from anxiety, threats to self-esteem, and uncomfortable thoughts or situations, have become embedded in everyday language. For instance, you might […]

How to Get Out of a Funk

Lots of us have been in a funk before, this means that we feel some sadness or unmotivated. This is totally normal to the human experience and can encourage us […]