

Does Conventional Wisdom Hinder Creative Thinking?

Conventional wisdom refers to widely accepted beliefs and ideas, often upheld by the majority and by expert consensus in particular fields. This shared knowledge offers the benefit of helping people quickly grasp popular viewpoints and make decisions in line with common consensus. However, it can also limit creative thinking, making it harder to explore alternative solutions. Economist John Kenneth Galbraith is credited with popularizing the term in his 1958 book The Affluent Society, where he described conventional wisdom as a force that reinforces resistance to change within institutions and society.

Signs of Conventional Wisdom

Verywell mind has compiled a list of signs of conventional wisdom

  • Accepting certain ideas without question
  • Not challenging information that fits with what you expect to find
  • Believing that the majority of people think something is true
  • Assuming that the majority opinion must be true
  • Thinking that something is true simply because it sounds reasonable
  • Accepting something as truth due to tradition or authority


Conventional wisdom spans various topics and areas. You may encounter this type of thinking in areas such as:

  • Politics
  • Government
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Medicine
  • Organizations and institutions
  • Science
  • Academics
  • Religion
  • Economics
  • Wellness

What’s the Use of Conventional Wisdom?

This type of knowledge has several uses. It can reveal the general consensus within a group, offering insight into shared needs, priorities, or opinions. Conventional wisdom also serves as a mental shortcut, allowing people to make quick decisions without in-depth investigation. It can be useful when:

  • You don’t have time to analyze every aspect of a situation or every available option
  • It’s important to obtain consensus in the group
  • Conforming to the group and fitting in is important
  • You are dealing with a group or organization that is resistant to new ideas

In sum, conventional wisdom offers both advantages and limitations. It provides a quick understanding of widely accepted beliefs, helping people make decisions efficiently by relying on shared perspectives. However, it may also restrict innovative thinking and hinder exploration of new solutions. Understanding both the strengths and weaknesses of conventional wisdom allows us to use it thoughtfully—appreciating its role in simplifying complex issues while remaining open to questioning and expanding beyond common assumptions.

Reference: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-conventional-wisdom-5179789


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