10 Sneaky Signs Stress Is Showing Up in Your Body

You’re probably familiar with the word stress, but you might not have heard of overstress. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines stress as the physical and emotional reactions to challenges or stressors. This can manifest as physical symptoms like a racing heart or emotional responses like irritability (more on that shortly). Stress is an unavoidable part of life—it’s simply part of being human. The real issue arises when stress crosses the line into overstress. Though less commonly discussed, overstress is essentially chronic stress. The APA describes chronic stress as the ongoing physical and emotional toll caused by prolonged exposure to stressful situations.

” Stress v. Overstress

Think of it like this: cramming for finals is stressful. But it only happens a couple of times a year. However, working a high-pressure job with constant quick and intense deadlines can lead to chronic stress. You’re having prolonged exposure to stressful events, which can leave you feeling overstressed.” – Verywell Mind


What Causes Overstress?

Stressful Circumstances

  • Chronic illness
  • Job loss
  • Spousal conflict
  • Mental health challenges
  • Family difficulties

Uncertainty and Unpredictability

  • Adding layers of stress to everyday challenges.

Sustained Stress

  • Persistently pushing through stressful events or situations over an extended period.

Understanding the factors that lead to overstress can help you recognize when your stress levels are becoming unmanageable. If you’re navigating ongoing challenges like health issues, relationship conflicts, or prolonged uncertainty, it’s important to acknowledge the toll they may take. Remember, you don’t have to face it alone—seeking support from a therapist, counselor, or trusted professional can make a world of difference. Taking steps to address your well-being is not a sign of weakness but an act of strength and self-care.



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